Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Baden-Württemberg- Capital Stuttgart

The City that I choose to do was Baden-Württemberg.  The reason I picked this city is because my ancestors came from the city Freiburg, which is in Baden-Württemberg.  This state is located in southwestern part of Germany.  Baden- Württemberg Clip: is the third largest in both area and population of Germany’s sixteen states, with an area of 35,742 square kilometers and 10.7 million inhabitants. End Clip[i]  One of the most industrialized states in Germany is Baden-Württemberg.  Its main industry is woodworking.  Clip: Anyone driving through the Black Forest region will see piles of logs being cured, and every town has a saw mill. End Clip [ii]  Baden-Württemberg has a total of 35 districts, also includes nine independent cities. The largest city in the State of Baden- Württemberg is the capital Stuttgart. [iii] Clip:  It has close to 600,000 inhabitants within the city limits and 2.7 million in the larger Stuttgart region. End Clip. [iv]  Clip: After World War II, Allied forces established three federal states: Württemberg-Hohenzollern, Baden (both occupied by France), and Württemberg-Baden (US-occupied). In 1949, these three states became founding members of the Federal Republic of Germany. End Clip[v]  There was a lot of interesting information that I found about the culture of Baden-Württemberg, but the most interesting thing that stuck out to me is the tourist attractions.  Clip:  Main sights include the capital and biggest city, Stuttgart... its inner city parks and historic Wilhelma zoo, its castles (such as Castle Solitude), its (car and art) museums as well as a rich cultural programme (theatre, opera) and mineral spring baths in Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt.  End Clip I  

[i] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baden-W%C3%BCrttemberg 09/13/2011
[ii] http://www.tompgalvin.com/places/de/baden_wuerttemberg/1_de_bw.htm  09/13/2011
[iii] http://oregonabroad.ous.edu/countries/germany/bw/living.html  09/13/2011
[iv] http://oregonabroad.ous.edu/countries/germany/bw/living.html#stuttgart  09/13/2011
[v] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baden-W%C3%BCrttemberg  09/13/2011

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